THE ROLLING STONES "Between The Buttons", THE SEEDS "The Seeds" + "A Web Of Sound", THE PRETTY THINGS "Get The Picture?", ARETHA FRANKLIN "Aretha Now", THE WHO "Sell Out", ZAKARY THAKS "Form The Habit", THE DUKES OF STRATOSPHEAR "Psonic Psunspot", THE NEW CHRISTS "Gloria", MORPHINE "Yes", RAMONES "Adiòs Amigos", THE A-10 "Radio Confusion", COCK SPARRER "Shock Troops", THE UNDERTONES "The Undertones", THE BOYS "The Boys", THE JOLT "The Jolt", THE HEARTBREAKERS "L.A.M.F."...
1 commento:
Stupendo l'album dei JOLT
L'ho messo tra gli essenziali del mio prossimo libro "Rabbia e stile. La musica dei mods"
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