PAUL KANTNER JEFFERSON STARSHIP "Blows Against The Empire", QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE "R", THE NUNS "The Nuns", SCOTT DELUXE DRAKE "Beneath The Bloodshots Lights", X "Los Angeles", THE BEATLES "Revolver", TRINITY "1975", THE ROLLING STONES "The Rolling Stones", "Out of Our Heads", "Between The Buttons", MY BLOODY VALENTINE "Loveless", GIOVANNI FERRARIO "Headquarter Delirium", THE VIEWS "Namby Pamby", SLEEVES "Sadness Boulevard", WALL OF VOODOO "Call of The West", THE SCIENTISTS "Pissed On Another Planet",THE SETTING SON "Spring of Hate"...
1 commento:
Ottimi ascolti.
Intanto Mich è latitante da popartx da parecchio tempo,chi lo ha visto?
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