PINK FLOYD "Wish You Were Here", ROLLING STONES "Emotional Rescue", BECK "Mellow Gold", THE TUNAS "We Cut Our Fingers In July", LEADFINGER "Rich Kids", THE CHORDS "So Far Away", THE CLASH "The Singles", SCREAMING TREES "Buzz Factory", ROBYN HITCHCOCK "I Often Dream of Trains", AA.VV. "Tropicalia", DIED PRETTY "Free Dirt", THE HEARTBEATS "The Heartbeats", NICK RIFF "Freak Element", THE WHO "Live at Leeds", THE SONICS "Here Are The Sonics", POWERTRANE "Beyond The Sound", DR.JOHN "Gumbo", FUZZTONES "Braindrops", THE NERVES "One Way Ticket", RAMONES "Leave Home"...
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